Meeting Notes 11/28/12
Meeting Type: Advisor Meeting
Advisor(s): Dr. Amin
Members: Sondra, Kyle, Greg, Santi, Stuart, Darryl
Excused: None
Action Items
- Talk to Dr. Clark about change of project scope
Meeting Topics
- Progress report
- Change of scope
Important Notes
- Change of scope is allowed provided we do our absolute best to make it to competition
Transcript (Notes)
- Feedback on our presentation
- The house of quality stuff was too subjective, the numbers had no real meaning for the advisors
- Too many details
- Advises us not to crowd our slides (didn’t say whether ours are crowded?)
- Concern on finishing the project on time
- Says he really wants us to go to the competition
- We can reduce the complexity of our goals, but REALLY wants us to enter the competition
- Will try to attend our advisor meeting tomorrow to see more about where we are
- Cut down on the scope of the project while still meeting the competition guidelines
- Why we want to change the scope
- Last year’s was too rushed
- Team members too specialized, no one could work all of the sub
- Creating a sub in and of itself is very difficult to do (and maintain quality)
- Doesn’t know what to tell us about this, REALLY wants us to go to the competition
- We can attempt to cut down on some of the complexity
- We should probably come up with a plan of reducing the project complexity, show them what we really believe that we can get done.
- Focus only on the crucial components
- Eventually said that we should do what we can while maintaining a high quality
- Biweekly report
- Using bolts instead of clamps cost us time
- Funding, expressed concern on the time it cost to make the sponsorship materials
- Posting to Blackboard
- We should talk to TAs (Peter and Richard)
- Agreed at the end that our project is probably too much.
- Final presentation during finals week
Group Notes
Not Available